Generally speaking, Durinda Rice Wood appears to have loosened the TNG jumpsuit sleeves over the course of season two.
As you may recall, in season one the sleeves were very tight, like the jumpsuit body itself.
In season two, Captain Picard’s sleeves were often noticeably looser than they were the first season.
Although his sleeves did loosen overall, toward the wrists they remained fairly tight.
The upper sleeves remained tight for the other cast members, although toward the bottom they did gradually loosen over the course of the season.
Worf’s loosened some, but not much – just enough to notice.
Geordi’s lower sleeves were quite a bit looser than they were the previous season.
Commander Riker’s jumpsuit sleeves were considerably looser in season two.
For what it’s worth, both Captain Louvois and Q wore jumpsuits with tighter sleeves more akin to those in the first season.
Pant Legs
Durinda Rice Wood made two minor changes to the lower pant legs of the jumpsuit.
First, she appears to have shorted the overall height of the lower front “slits” by a couple inches or so.
Here are some examples of Captain Picard’s shorter slits that season:
The lower slits on Geordi’s season two jumpsuits were also noticeably shorter.
The same was true of Worf’s, which makes sense considering all three of them immediately had new uniforms for season two.
The redesigned jumpsuits Data wore for the last third or so of the season also had shorter slits, although they appear to have been slightly taller than the others.
As you may have noticed from the previous examples, Wood also subtly changed the design of the division-colored trim accenting the slit, and the method by which it was attached.
Whereas the season one pant leg trim was one long, thin strip that was rotated across the top of the slit, Wood’s season two trim was slightly wider and neatly cornered at the top.
Here’s a comparison of Commander Riker’s pant legs with the first and second season trims:
As best I could determine, the trim was usually left open along the entire opening of the slit, but sometimes the two lengths were joined at the top.
Strangely, the pant leg trim on Q’s season two jumpsuit looked slightly thinner than everyone else’s, and the slit itself was considerably taller – almost twice the height of the others we’ve seen.
And on this Commander Riker jumpsuit, the lengths of trim weren’t even flush at the top … but I believe this was either just poorly-made in that regard, or it was a worn-out uniform that had seen better days. (Also observe that the hem appears to have been coming loose at the bottom.)