With the launch of The Next Generation, costume designer William Ware Theiss immediately introduced a new family of Starfleet uniforms into the franchise’s canon.
The standard duty uniform he introduced was, of course, the TNG jumpsuit, and as an alternate uniform option, he also introduced the TNG skant. (See right.)
A few episodes into the show, he introduced his TNG-era formal uniforms, and a few episodes after that, the first (proper) Starfleet admiral made an appearance – Admiral Mark Jameson.
Starfleet admirals were only seen in a mere three episodes during The Next Generation’s first season, and with each appearance, the design of Theiss’ admiral uniforms actually changed a little.
Nevertheless, with the introduction of his admiral uniforms, Theiss completed his family of TNG-era uniforms, although the uniform family would continually be revised and expanded over the remainder of the show.
Here’s an overview of the TNG season 1 admiral uniform: